Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Sheffield Presbyterian Church

We are delighted to announce that from Sunday September 19th, 2010, that public worship services will commence. A church planting Bible study has been meeting in our home where we continue to discuss the Scriptures especially in the light of the Westminster Standards (the confession, the larger and shorter catechisms).

The Meeting Times:

10.00am Sunday School
The Larger Catechism for Adults
The Child's and Shorter Catechism for the instruction of children

11.00am Lord's Day morning worship

4.00pm Lord's Day evening worship

The Meeting Place:

The Source at Meadowhall, Sheffield (rooms 15 and 16) and the website for directions is http://www.thesource.meadowhall.co.uk/

This new church plant is part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales (http://www.epcew.org.uk/). We are currently building our website which should be ready, Lord willing, toward the end of the summer and the address is: www.sheffieldpres.org.uk

Dr Kevin Bidwell
Church Planter with EPCEW