Friday, 20 March 2015

A Daily Dose of Greek

An important aspect of the recovery of sound biblical doctrine is the recovery of the study of the biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew. The NT was written in Koine Greek and the OT in biblical Hebrew, with small portions also written in the sister language of Aramaic. To get to the root meaning of text we need ministers with an enthusiastic desire to have contact with these original languages. I liken it to the difference between a regular TV screen and a high definition one. One can see what is happening with a regular TV, but high definition makes things much sharper. It is not true that all regular Christians need to be able to read Greek or Hebrew. All things necessary for life and salvation are made very plain in a good Bible translation.

Recently, a teacher called Robert L. Plummer, Ph.D. who is the Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has launched a website to help people in learning Greek or in sharpening their skills in this language. This includes a daily dose of Greek where you can subscribe to daily emails with a 2 minute teaching on a NT Bible verse.

The website is:

This is an excellent resource and I commend it. For those who do not hold a Baptist ecclesiology, like myself, you need to be aware that, as for all of us, this man's doctrine of the church and of baptism comes through his exegesis at times. However, do not let this hinder you from profiting from Dr Plummer or indeed from sharpening up your Greek by whatever means is possible.


2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth".

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