Monday, 25 May 2015

Is the Bible wrong regarding "same-sex marriage"?

Recent days have seen the citizens of Southern Ireland decide by popular vote to endorse "same-sex marriage". The BBC in the UK have revelled and delighted in this outcome, they have reported it as another seeming endorsement of this new social position in the West. What are the implications of such a trend in society? Does this "new morality" question the authority of the Bible on its revealed position on this subject?

The West historically have used the Bible as its baseline for morality, but on a national political level in the UK, this is no longer the case. Therefore, huge issues arise as to what is morally right or otherwise today. The UK has entered into a new season of subjective and relative moralism which is open to serious question. While the UK and Ireland actively promote "same-sex marriage" along with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender agenda, they now actively intimidate and take to court anyone who disagrees with their new laws. It seems that the UK now behaves more like a democratic dictat than a free democracy. Confusion abounds among British politics and British society. Just look at the Asher's bakery ruling in Northern Ireland recently.

While the UK government and British society now rejoice in the pushing of boundaries so that all sexual restraints are being removed, the same groups seem to be silent on the ethical issues of abortion, IVF morality and other such things. In the UK every year around 200,000 babies are murdered either by surgical removal or chemical induced death of the infant. This is surely the result of a sexually promiscuous society who want the benefits of sex without the fruits and it prefers to murder instead of caring for legitimate offspring.

While there is uncertain moral chaos in British society, the Bible's message is unchanging. The Bible is God's unique revelation to teach humanity about the the one True God himself and also it teaches the truth about the sinful state of humanity. The Bible is contemporary and absolutely up to date. The problem is not with the Bible's view of marriage which is clear, the problem lies with sinful man, one who is determined to get his own way and to suppress any knowledge of God to legitimise his own actions.

Romans 1:18 teaches that: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth". People in the West will therefore increasingly seek to silence the teaching of the Bible because they cannot tolerate voices of disagreement. Paul the apostle writes in Romans 1:26 and he calls Lesbian and Gay actions as "dishonourable passions" ... "for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error" (Romans 1:26-27).

Is the Bible wrong regarding "same sex marriage"? No, the Bible is truthful. No, the Bible disagrees with the LGBT agenda. Does this mean that God is unloving? Absolutely not because God is love and a human being can never understand true love until they meet their Creator and recognise that "God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son". Love is not a subjective worldly ideal, but it is based on truth. The God of the Bible is the Creator of all humanity and every human being will give an account to Him after they have died.

The real question then for all of us to consider is: Will I be ready after I have died, to give an account of the deeds which I have done in the body? This account will be made before the God of the Bible and it has been appointed to the glorified Lord Jesus Christ to be the judge. Will he deliver a verdict of everlasting punishment to you or the promise to enter into eternal life? The latter is based upon repentance from sin and belief in the gospel, that is belief that Jesus died for your sins and that he was raised from the dead.

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