Monday, 27 March 2017

A Sermon worth Listening to!

At the first Banner of Truth ministers conference in 1962, Rev Kenneth MacRae the then minister of the Presbyterian church in Stornaway, Lewis, Scotland, spoke on the subject of "preaching and the danger of compromise" We have requested permission to upload this outstanding sermon onto our church website and it is now available.

I have listened to this sermon countless times and it has really strengthened my own soul in many ways. I hope that you can enjoy this and feel free to pass this web link to others also.


Josh Rieger said...

What a great charge and encouragement! Thanks for posting this, Kevin.

C Schroeder said...

If you haven't already, the 2 Q&A sessions with Lloyd-Jones on preaching are great.
Informative, helpful and often with a sense of humour. These came at the end of his lecture tour to the US (which resulted in the book Preachers & Preaching) so those asking the questions are American pastors. You probably won't agree with everything but on the whole he's very good.

Scroll down to bottom, it's #PP17 & #PP18. Enjoy!