Saturday, 6 October 2012

London Presbyterian Conference, 2012

Twenty-five years ago, the Presbyterian Association in England, forerunner of EPCEW, was formed. The London Presbyterian Conference 2012 will, we trust, be a reminder of the grace of God over the last quarter of a century to our denomination, and an opportunity to engage with those who are interested in EPCEW and who are in sympathy with our desire to plant churches in England and Wales. The purpose of this conference is threefold.

1). To present biblical and warm-hearted Presbyterianism. This day will provide a window through which people can learn more of EPCEW.
2). To foster and develop our church planting contacts with a view to seeing new churches planted in the years ahead.
3). To be a rallying point for our church members as well as our office bearers.
Date: Saturday 20th October, 2012

Venue: Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ

Time: 11.00am for 11:30am until 4.00pm.


"Building Christ's Church" by Rev. Dr Robert Letham
"The Challenges and Opportunities of Church Planting"
Rev. Dr. Kevin Bidwell
A Time of Prayer led by Rev. Andy Young and Rev. Dr Bill Schweitzer
"Thus Far has the Lord Led Us: A Historical Review of the Last 25 Years" by Rev. Brian Norton
"Warm Hearted Presbyterianism" by Rev. Ian Hamilton

There is a bookstall with a range of reformed books at excellent prices. A nominal charge of £5.00 will be made on the day for registration to help cover the costs.

This conference is open for all including families. This is not just for ministers and elders. If you cannot come then please pray for the Lord's blessing upon this momentous occasion to celebrate a recovery of confessional presbyterianism in England and Wales.

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