Monday, 4 December 2017

The Greek New Testament Produced by Tyndale House, Cambridge

Tyndale House in Cambridge have been working hard in recent years to produce an updated Greek New Testament. You may ask "Why?" if a New Testament is already available in Greek. Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams, Peter Head and Patrick James have given their rationale at the back of this edition in their introduction. This work combines up to date scholarship and the publishers Crossway have made it into an attractive layout, which makes reading inviting and easy.

I have read the Preface and Introduction (which is interestingly at the back) and I am now working my way through Matthew's Gospel. It is too early for me to give my full thoughts thus far, but this edition is a welcome development and I am very thankful for the work of Tyndale House for their work on this project.

We need a recovery of the love of biblical languages by working pastors and ministers. We need to overcome the fear factor of Greek and Hebrew, to learn to persevere and to use the biblical languages daily and weekly to enhance the quality of our ministry and preaching. I hope that this Greek New Testament will help to this end.


Keith said...

Well said...the more Pastors use the original languages the more likely we are to proclaim accurately
what Scripture says.
I look forward to the Tyndale House edition of the NT .

C Schroeder said...

Glad you're reading this, Kevin.

There's a (fancy) video to go with it by the editors & Crossway:

THGNT will also be available for free online:

And some initial thoughts & reviews by other textual critics are linked to via this page: